Northern Plains Watercolor Society Standing Rules

Membership Requirements

  1. Dues are for one year and payable no later than January 30th of the current year.  Amount of dues shall be set by the Board of Directors also known as the Officers.
  2. We accept Student Membership.  Those who are in High School or College qualify. Their membership is discounted and is $20 per year.
  3. Dues are delinquent on February 15th.
  4. Members failing to pay dues will be dropped from the rolls.
  5. Readmission after forfeiture shall by reapplication.
  6. Dues will not be pro-rated.
  7. Membership will be from January 1 through December 31 of each year.
  8. Members acting in a manner detrimental to the welfare and reputation of the Society, or misrepresenting their art pursuant to the show prospectus, may be removed from membership by a majority vote of the Board.


  1. No member shall use the membership to promote anything of a personal nature.  Using the membership roster or NPWS Facebook and other social media for personal gain or personal interest is not acceptable.
  2. Announcements of artistic events and achievements in the field of art are encouraged on our social media sites.  This information must be submitted to the committee chair for approval and posting.

Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors shall act as the governing body for activities, affairs, and property of NPWS.
  2. The Board of Directors shall consist of up to 8 members who are elected at the October Quarterly meeting at the end of the Board’s second year of service.  The number of Board Members may be changed at a meeting of the members after appropriate notice of agenda
  3. All Board Members will perform the duties that are outlined under the Office they are holding according to the descriptions listed under the section covering Duties of Officers.
  4. All Board Members will serve a two- year term.
  5. All Board Members will serve without salary.
  6. A Board Member may resign from the Board at any time by delivering written notice to the President prior to the date of resignation.
  7. A Board Member may be removed for cause at any time by the majority vote of the Board during an Executive Session meeting.  The Member being considered for removal must be notified and invited to the Executive Session so they may defend themselves.
  8. Vacancies of the Board shall exist in the case of death, resignation, or removal.  A vacancy may be filled by a majority vote of the Board from candidates who are members in good standing.

Responsibilities of Officers

  1. Officers will be elected to serve a two- year term from January 1 through December 31 of the following year.  Officers may be re-elected.
  2. A vacancy of the President’s Office will be filled by the Vice President. If a vacancy occurs in another office the Board of Directors will elect a successor.
  3. In the event, during the bi- yearly election of Officers, the Vice-President does not want to become President, the members can nominate another candidate.
  4. Any expenditure from the general fund of $500 or more must be approved by the general membership at a quarterly meeting for final vote.
  5. The president is the official spokesman of the NPWS.  All matters and communication with the membership and/ or the public shall be cleared through this office.
  6. All committee chairs shall be appointed by the president and approved by the Board.
  7. The Vice President will appoint Chairs for the annual workshop and approved by the Board.


  1. There shall be regular meetings of Officers subject to the call of the president.
  2. Special member meetings may be called whenever deemed necessary by the President or Board.
  3. Quarterly membership meetings will be held at the call of the President with approval of the Board. 


  1. There will be at least one annual, members- only show each year.
  2. Requirements for show will be listed in the show prospectus.


  1. There will be at least one, in-person, local workshop offered to membership annually.  Substitutions can be considered in the event of an unforeseen circumstance.
  2. The workshop fee is determined by the Treasurer and Vice President with approval by the Board.
  3. Workshops will be formally announced in the NPWS newsletter and via our website.  NPWS members will be given priority registration for 30 days after initial announcement.  After the deadline date the workshop will be open to non-members.


  1. Dues are $30 per year, payable only on our website no later than January 30 for the current year. Student member dues are $20.
  2. Members who fail to pay dues by February 15 will be dropped from the rolls.
  3. Should a Signature Member fail to pay their annual dues by February 15 of the current fiscal year due to extenuating circumstances, the member may petition the board for reconsideration. The request will be considered by the Board on a case by case basis.