Delores Ekberg
Delores lives near Black Hawk, SD and enjoys a variety of subjects from babies to buildings, and a variety of mediums, from pencil to batik. She loves painting outside or inside, projects are always percolating in her mind. She enjoys workshops to share ideas and methods.
Delores started her art education with Millicent Henderson in Belle Fourche schools, continued at Black Hills State University and many workshops. Before COVID-19 she painted on Monday’s and Friday’s with friends. She currently paints on Tuesday’s outside with a group called Black Hills Plein Aire Painters.
Delores often contributes to the NPWS Annual show. She has also shown her work at the United Methodist Church, Spearfish City Hall, Suzi Cappa Art Gallery, Expressions Art Gallery, and the Custer County Courthouse, in addition to several others. Her mission is to make happy art, loves color, humor and nature. Art has to be consistently fun! You may contact her at djekberg@hotmail.com and check out her blog at Deloresekberg.blogspot.com.