Sandra Martin
The closest I came to a paint brush before I retired a few years ago was when I painted the trim “forest green” on all the buildings on my family’s homestead ranch in northern Wyoming. I was born and raised there, the oldest of three girls (all of whom were to be boys) where I loved the farming, animals, breaking and training horses, but not the chickens!
My vocation found me working in hospitality, media, healthcare and consulting, starting two retails businesses, plus work in community relations.
When my husband Eugene, and I started wintering in Arizona about 10 years ago, I became enamored with creating stained glass art. Wanting to learn more about color and compliments, I took a painting class from the community art club. I continue to be consumed with the challenge to learn more to lead me to create beautiful, luminous, expressive, and well-loved watercolor art for me, my family and others.
Do I have one “art expression”? No, because our good, gracious God created far too many forms of interesting beauty for me to select only one! I pray he uses me through the desire He’s placed in me for painting His world in watercolor to touch the viewer.
Today’s art related activities include signature membership in Northern Plains Watercolor Society, Nancy Ashley’s classroom, Arizona Watercolor Association, Vangaurds Professional Art Critique, and Sun West Art Club in Sun City, AZ. I am also on the Board for Stonecroft.org, the Life Church AZ Board, and have served as chair for numerous community and church programs. I golf a little, enjoy reading, gardening, and landscape design. And we thrive on three children, their spouses, and our two grand girls.